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Abe Treeson aka No. 4943


Before his capture, he was a regular ape. He had a family, he had friends, he had a name. Abe Treeson. After his capture, he was only called No. 4943. On a foggy day back in the cold days, Abe was captured by the Big Farma Company H.E.L.T.H. They were about to release their new cyborg LAZER-eye. Since the government denied them the permit due to lack of proof of work, they needed guinea pigs to enhance their product. No. 4943 was the last one ever to have LAZER-eye implanted and the only one to survive. His predecessors died a horrible death. Obviously LAZER-eye was not yet ready for implantation. But H.E.L.T.H. put profit above ethical principles.

While it was pure luck that No. 4943 survived the procedure, it was pure failure of the staff that the lab exploded as they celebrated their apparent success. What no one realized was that the implant altered No. 4943’s brain structure so that he could no longer feel pain. This is the reason why he survived the explosion and did not die of pure pain.

When No. 4943 left the burning lab, he reached for the director’s half-burned Bowler hat that was lying next to the bastard’s corpse. This hat was to remind him of the injustice that happened around the world. He vowed to walk the world as a regulator from now on and to ensure that no living beings will ever be harmed again for the sake of money.

Abe Treeson aka No. 4943
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